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Making your narrowboat feel like a roomy and comfortable place to live can often be a difficult task, let alone when there is a pet onboard too and you then have to also ensure you make it a safe and pet-friendly place to be as well.
Although, there is no need to stress as there are plenty of tips and tricks that you can follow to make your boat a cosy, happy and pet-friendly home, without having to compromise on your personal aesthetic and space. We know how amazing it can be to travel with your pet and we want you to as well.

Essential pet equipment
Firstly, in the same way humans should have the essentials on board, so should your pets to ensure they are safe and comfortable. These items include:
- Lead and collar with a waterproof ID tag.
- Spare lead in case one gets lost.
- Bedding for all the seasons – in the winter it may get chilly so you’d want thicker bedding to keep your pet warm on your In the summer, something lighter would be wise.
- A litter tray for your cat or dog.
- The essentials that you would also have when you’re not on the water, such as grooming equipment, pet food, water bowls and poop bags.
- A lifejacket, also known as a pet floatation device, in case of an emergency. Most come with a handle so that if your pet jumps in the water, it makes it easier to pull them out.
Often boat floorings can be too slippery for our pets’ paws, so laying down a non-slip piece of indoor/outdoor carpet can be useful in ensuring your pets have a stronger grip when roaming around.
Boating tips for pets onboard
- Did you know that pets can also get sunburnt? So always make sure that you have sun cream onboard, especially if you plan on spending a lot of time outdoors, which a lot of boaters do. Why not invest in a lightweight sun-proof jacket for any short-haired pets? Also, it’s a must that their water bowl is in the shade during sunny days, so there’s less reason for them to spend time in the sun and it’ll also keep their water cooler.
- Keep your pets’ favourite toys on board to keep them entertained and busy, think of toys that don’t need as much space to play with, like a mini tug of war rope, soft toy or bone.
- If there are places you don’t want your pet to take over, then be sure to keep them shut, such as small nooks and hatches in the engine room.
- Ensure easy access and provide ramps if necessary, this might be particularly essential for older pets when entering and leaving a barge.
- Always keep a watchful eye on pets, as they often enjoy exploring and getting into mischief. Try keeping a fishing net handy, you can always scoop them up or use it to pull them to safety if they fall overboard.
- If you plan on mooring somewhere new or relocating, then having your pets’ health and vaccination records handy is important.
- When walking your pets along the lock, keep them safely away from the edge, especially young and old dogs who can be prone to mishaps.

Where will you head on your next narrowboat adventure? Read our Guide to the UK’s Best Mooring Spots.