The Commission which is reviewing the Canal & River Trust’s boat licensing framework has launched a survey to hear from boaters and other stakeholders with a view on boat licensing.
The survey will run until 9am on Tuesday 22 April. It covers both the experiences that people have had and any changes they would like to see to the Trust’s approach to boat licensing.
It is anticipated that the Commission will make recommendations to the Trust’s Board of Trustees in September 2025.
The Commission is being chaired by Andrew Cowan, a former senior partner at Devonshires, a law firm. It also includes Penelope Barber, one of the elected boating representatives on the Trust’s Council, and trustee Sir Chris Kelly, a previous senior civil servant and former boat owner.
Andrew Cowan said: “Over the past 30 years there have been significant changes in the use of the 2,000-mile canal network managed by the Canal & River Trust. We have been asked to review the framework around boat licensing and to explore whether it is appropriate for the network’s future.
“As part of the process we are keen to hear from boaters and other stakeholders with a view on boat licensing. The responses will help us understand the views of different stakeholder groups and will be key to forming our thinking about the current licensing system and whether it can be improved.”
More information on the Commission and its work can be found on the dedicated webpage on the Trust’s website.