Following a recent case of a hireboat sinking after it became caught up on the upper cill of a lock, the Canal & River Trust has issued a safety alert to warn boaters of the risk – and how to avoid it.

The incident on the Kennet & Avon at Bath was the result of the steerer failing to keep the boat far enough forward while descending in the lock, resulting in the stern coming to rest on the cill as the water emptied out of the chamber, and the boat tipping forwards and then sideways. CRT is warning private boaters to be aware of the importance of proper control in locks, and hire companies to emphasise it during handovers to hirers. It brings to 25 the total number of sinkings of this type in the last decade.

Cills are just one thing to look out for: CRT also advises to watch out for boats getting caught against lock walls; caught under the top gate while ascending; caught up on ropes held too tightly; or two boats getting jammed together when sharing.

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