IWA Lichfield forthcoming events 

IWA Lichfield – Public meeting, Wednesday October 18th. Speaker – Tim Coghlan from Braunston Marina. Subject: The Braunston Historic Narrowboat Rallies 2003 to date. 7.30pm for 7.45pm start. Martin Heath Hall, Christchurch Lane, Lichfield, WS13 8AY.

IWA Lichfield – Public meeting, Wednesday November 15th. Speaker – Stephanie Horton from River Canal Rescue. Subject: Trials and Tribulations of Boating. 7.30pm for 7.45pm start. Martin Heath Hall, Christchurch Lane, Lichfield, WS13 8AY.

IWA Lichfield walks

Rugeley short walk 

Tuesday 3rd October- 10.45 for 11am start.

Meet at the Stag’s Leap car park, Rugeley WS15 2ET. A gentle 2.5 Mile stroll with no stiles. Taking in the Bloody Steps, Trent and Mersey Canal and other interesting features.

Optional meal at Stag’s Leap afterwards. Members and Non-Members welcome. Contact neil.barnett@waterways.org.uk or just turn up on the day.


Radford Bank and the Staffs & Worcs Canal

Thursday 9th November. Meet at 10.15am for a 10.30 start in the car park of The Radford Bank Inn, Radford Bank, Stafford ST17 4PG

An easy 5½ walk along the Staffs & Worcs Canal and surrounding areas of Weeping Cross and Wildwood. Optional meal at the pub afterwards. Members and Non-Members welcome. Contact Clive Walker at clive.walker@waterways.org.uk