River Canal Rescue (RCR) reports it responded to 171 major incidents in 2024; emergency situations involving submerged, partially sunken or grounded craft, plus salvage work.

The figure is 41% higher than the 121 incidents RCR reported in 2023, which managing director, Stephanie Horton, attributes to a busier than usual summer and sinkings due to unsecured weed hatches/seal issues and boats getting stuck on lock cills. Similar to last year, RCR experienced a quiet period between January and March.

There were also 3485 general call-outs, for electrical, fuel and engine issues, flat batteries, over-heating and gear box failures etc; a 4% increase from 3335 a year earlier. 567 call-outs were return visits requiring additional work.

RCR engineers responded to 86% of call-outs; 14% were handled by approved-contractors, and its Canal Contracting service organised 521 visits to undertake a variety of work, including: plumbing and electrical installations, gearbox replacements, inverter, solar installations and general engine maintenance.

592 engine inspections were booked in, nearly 15% up from 2023; 437 of these were combined inspections with services.

RCR subsidiary, Key Diesels, whose team fits and supplies new and refurbished engines nationwide, sold 45 new and used engines direct to customers – a 200% uplift from the previous year – worked on 18 customers’ engines and refurbished/provided 21 gearboxes.

Stephanie said: “It’s always prudent to give your boat a thorough check over before cruising, and carry some spares. Some preparation can make a big difference to the success of your journey and may prevent you becoming one of our statistics. We’re also always on-hand to answer any queries and give advice, so just get in touch.”

Call River Canal Rescue on 01785 785680 or visit www.rivercanalrescue.co.uk