Just weeks after the Canal & River Trust’s first trial of pre-pay bookable visitor moorings in London began, slots for late spring and summer are already being rapidly booked up

The two berths at Rembrandt Gardens in Little Venice were set up in response to boaters’ concerns that given the pressure on space, they might not be able to find anywhere to moor if they visited the capital.

They are available for one to seven nights, at £10 per night, and can be reserved as far ahead as October 2017. Booking is via CRT’s new online licensing portal, and boaters will need to register.

By late January there had already been 62 bookings made, many of them for the full seven nights. May and June were around three-quarters of the way to fully booked – largely by boaters with home moorings in CRT’s South East region, but including others from all over the network.

For the future, CRT is looking to find further sites, but has told Canal Boat that this will not be at the expense of taking away free visitor mooring space.

In the meantime, the message is that boaters wanting to visit London, and are prepared to pay for the security of knowing they will have somewhere to tie up, should book now to avoid disappointment.


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