28th July 2015
8 celebrities you may spot on British waterways
With reported sightings of celebrities on the British waterways ever growing, here is a line-up of famous faces just as passionate about canal boating as we are…
28th July 2015
With reported sightings of celebrities on the British waterways ever growing, here is a line-up of famous faces just as passionate about canal boating as we are…
13th July 2015
An unfriendly ten-person house share, or your own narrowboat in a marina that you can also use to go places – Paul knows which one he prefers...
2nd July 2015
Here at Canal Boat we like the water vole and spot it from time to time on our travels (albeit very briefly as it dashes off to hide) and thought this video was great.
12th June 2015
We’ve started a new feature in Canal Boat magazine this month called Great Canal Walks – the first walk is a beautiful four-mile stretch along the Kennet & Avon canal from the Dundas Aqueduct to…
1st June 2015
Crick Boat Show 2015 was a lively and successful year for those involved in the industry. Here are some photos from the fantastic event this year.
26th May 2015
A mood of optimism at this year’s Crick Boat Show saw a good turnout of visitors on the Saturday and Sunday, many exhibitors reporting good business, and several boats and boat shares sold during the…
30th April 2015
Test your canal boating knowledge by guessing the names of these famous British aqueducts
29th April 2015
With the summer approaching, it’s not just boaters who come out to play when the sun shines – the canals are home to no end of different bird species, so much so that many waterways…
13th April 2015
At only 8.6 miles long, you could cruise the length of the Regent’s Canal in a day; but we believe the charm of the waterways is learning how to slow down not just literally but…
1st April 2015
Whether you’re a narrowboat novice or a lock navigating expert, we’ve chosen six of our favourite locations to take a canal boating holiday across Europe.
19th March 2015
So you think you are a canal boating expert? Test your knowledge by guessing the names of these famous British locks
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