23rd February 2015
Helpful hints for boat owners
Owning a boat offers the ultimate escapism - but also some real issues for boat owners too!
23rd February 2015
Owning a boat offers the ultimate escapism - but also some real issues for boat owners too!
26th January 2015
Making galvanic corrosion and galvanic isolation simple
20th January 2015
Maritime artist Colin Harvey explains how to create a limited edition print of your boat in 5 steps using your computer rather than paints and brushes.
19th September 2014
The A to Z of Marinas is our brand new, 100-page book
11th September 2014
If you thought doing the Caen Hill flight was a long, hard slog,
13th August 2014
These are just a few of over 60 volunteers from Waterway Recovery Group (WRG) and the Kent & East Sussex Canal Restoration Group (KESCRG) who have been getting to the bottom of things at Inglesham…
29th July 2014
In this feature we look at the process of surveying a boat, how to avoid common pitfalls and how to ensure the people you are dealing with are qualified, experienced, professionals. Giving you the ability…
29th July 2014
In this feature we look at the process of buying a boat, how to avoid common pitfalls and how to ensure the people you are dealing with are qualified, experienced, professionals. Giving you the ability…
28th July 2014
Don’t forget - newstand copies come with a FREE set of postcards
10th July 2014
James Turner explains some technical aspects of fridges for boats and compares a selection from the key suppliers for power consumption and price
10th July 2014
It was an ambitious plan. Ninety-four locks over 111 miles around the Four Counties Ring in a week; that was the challenge that lay before our crew of five one drizzly Saturday afternoon in the…
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