The Avon Navigation Trust is seeking votes for its project to create a visitor-friendly wildlife garden in Pershore – but hurry; voting ends 21st November

A project called the Pershore Weir Island Wildlife Project set out by the Avon Navigation Trust (ANT), is currently in the running to receive funding by the Aviva Community Fund.

Nominated by Sutcliffe & Co Insurance for the fund, the ANT are currently seeking votes for the project which will transform the desolate island into a wildlife haven that will create interest for visitors in the “hidden riverside environment”.

The money from the fund will go towards the materials for the ANT team and volunteers to carry out construction work on the 3,230 square metre area.

The team aims to:

• Create a wildflower meadow and wildlife-friendly garden, attracting pollinators, insects, mammals, bats and birds.

• Build a shelter and hide so that visitors can spot those more secretive river inhabitants.

• Establish a pond and wetland area.

• Plant local Pershore heritage plum trees.

• Build a ‘paddlers path’ for canoe portage around the lock.

• Install information boards about the navigation and animal life.

• Team up with The Angel Hotel at Pershore to run bespoke boat trips for groups and then establish more regular cruises as the project develops.

If successful, this will be the start of maintenance of other lock sites in need of a transformation.

To vote for the project, visit the Aviva Community Fund website here. Voting closes 21st November.

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