3rd November 2016
Cropredy to build a further 100 moorings
Extension given the go ahead for another basin at Oxfordshire marina
3rd November 2016
Extension given the go ahead for another basin at Oxfordshire marina
24th October 2016
Three-mile towpath between Skipton and Bradley now offers better access to the Leeds & Liverpool
24th October 2016
Volunteers built a tranquil space in Stourbridge for locals and boaters to remember loved ones
21st October 2016
Council voted unanimously against amended planning application to build a linking waterway with the Grand Union
20th October 2016
Work begins next year to reopen over a mile of the waterway and a winding hole
7th October 2016
Towpath walkers exploring the disused canal are being warned to avoid contact with the water
30th September 2016
Plan for a busy month with this range of activities and events taking place on the waterways!
23rd September 2016
As London’s oldest canal marks its 250th anniversary, 19 local organisations have grouped together to give the waterway some much-needed TLC
23rd September 2016
The work is the next stage in an ambitious project to repair and refurbish the entire canal, which would allow boats to travel through Northern Ireland
15th September 2016
The reopening of the final length of the Pennine waterways will take place soon following repair to last winter’s flood damage
15th September 2016
With more boaters heading to the capital’s waterways, pressure is growing on the limited mooring spaces